Sunday, February 3, 2013

1) Identification, 2) creation

  • (last few days) uploaded zoom to studio computer, sounds files going back at least a year - evidence that engineering efforts are in cold storage while writing.  pleased to find that cd release show for yuck ratz tracked well, no clipping and adequate headroom.  they played the cd and then two new songs to end the set; the zoom ran out of memory after the first new song, reminding me to keep it empty of nearly so instead of allowing files to be on there for so long.
  • slight work on the great falling away
  • plotting changes in website to post all of ...fence posts rotting in the acreage..., enamored enough with A Moment of Cerebus daily posts to imagine emulating, but thinking better to have chapters posted, or books entirely right up to current efforts, chapter 13.
  • quotes from recent reading copied into notebook -  This is Not the End of the Book; Two Great Men Discuss Our Digital Future